Monday, April 9, 2018

A Note from Me

Hello, everyone,

I know I am a few weeks late with my next post and for that, I do apologize. I am just now getting back to work that's been overdue.
How is everyone today?
We've got snow here in Illinois. Can you believe it?
It is early April, people.
Oh, well.
I went on vacation last week and we had some snow then. The news predicted it to be a blizzard, but only a slight fall had occurred. Nothing too serious.
I have begun a daily devotional called Jesus Calling. I was surprised to know how many people had heard about and read this book and the following sequels.
As I try to do better with maintaining a consistent blogging schedule, I will update everyone on how I am doing with this book. Comment below if you've read it and what you think of it.
Another interesting tidbit I learned today. The King James Version of the Bible is put at a fifth grade reading level.
I never thought of it in that way, but I do remember hearing somewhere that William Tyndale had wanted the Bible to be so simple that a plough boy could read it. How wonderful it is that God makes His words so accessible that both young and old understand them.
Until later on,


1 comment:

  1. Great blog post, Kayla. Keep up the good work! It is always so interesting to get to know people better. I also like Jesus Calling. I have prayer journaled for years--writing in the form of letters to God then recording whatever comes to mind: hymns, Scripture, an awareness that He is leading an caring for me. Exactly what I need at the time.
